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That was incredibly evocative and I feel lacking for words to describe it beyond beautiful and heartbreaking. Your writing is incredibly precise in its meaning, leaving room for interpretation but none for misunderstanding the narrator's feeling amid the heavy atmosphere. My heart goes out to the narrator, both parts of them--the body and the distanced mind

You're genuinely so incredibly talented to write such an emotional story with the word restrictions you were given. The repetition of the several, but only "choice" you have really hammers things into the readers skull, but your pacing as well all feels like such a natural (while obviously not healthy) progression of thought for someone in the speaker's position. Good job. A powerful, emotional read for sure.


The way this makes you feel so much with only 3 things (the writing, the sounds and the color red) is incredible. Thank you for making this story!!

Beautifully evocative. Sucked me in from the very beginning. Thank you for telling this story.

this put to words a lot of feelings that i've had for a long time but could never properly describe. it hits hard. thank you.

obrigada pela perspectiva

This sounds like a really painful experience. Wanting more, but not having a partner who desires you for you. I hope you know you deserve better than this.

oof. been there!!! really evocative writing + sound + art, super well done


God damn, this hits hard.  Thanks for making it.


I really think you managed to capture, in this, the ambiguity between wanting to feel desired, as it helps you feel good about a body which doesn't look beautiful to you, and yet, this jolt of dignity (it might not be the right word), making you realise what is happening is wrong, that your partner doesn't consider you at all, and just wants you because you embody everything they desire, whether or not you're actually satisfied with that. So yes, losing yourself and your own look on your body for the sake of others was actually... relatable to an extent this comment section isn't a place to develop lol, even from a non-trans perspective (although the aspects of this game connecting to transidentity are also very strong, and the misgendering, in this context, really was heartbreaking to read).