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That was tough to get to because the entire time I want to tell the narrator they're spiralling into bath thoughts, but reading them... I can understand why they feel this way, how they come to think like this, seeing how a broken mind comes to make these connections when its so focused on what it used to have and what it thinks it lost ;-;


The emotions are still carried just as real here as in part 1. I feel like not many authors delve into the more complex sides of survivors, how some may miss the abusers or the ways they made them feel. You handled things in such a raw and emotional way, again phenomenally, considering the word length. Good job!


This series is too real!  Looking forward to the last part.


This was a really tough experience, and I hope it's not a real one. Not much moves me in the way that this did. I haven't followed your work, and curiously explored this one.

If it is, I want you to know you are valuable and valid, and I'm proud of you for having the strength to express something so deeply rending. My heart goes out to you, and I'd give you a hug if I could.